4 Process rate estimation
4.1 State function set
The process rate estimator includes three-state functions, describing the change in N2O concentrations over time. The change in N2O concentrations in each depth increment over time \(\frac{\Delta}{\Delta t}[\ce{N2O}]\) depends on the flux of N2O entering the depth increment from the top or the bottom through diffusion (\(\text F_\text{t,i}\) and \(\text F_\text {b,i}\), respectively), the flux of N2O leaving the depth increment through diffusion (\(\text F_\text {out}\)), the rate of N2O produced through nitrification (N2Onit
), the rate of N2O produced through denitrification (N2Oden
), and the rate of N2O reduced to N2 (N2Ored
\[\frac{\Delta[\ce{N2O}]}{\Delta t} = \text F_{\text{t,i}} + \text F_{\text{b,i}} + \ce{N2O}_{\text{nit.}} + \ce{N2O}_{\text{den.}} + \ce{N2O}_{\text{red.}} \tag{4.1}\]
For the equation of the change of site preference over time, we’ll use the substitutions \(A_1\), \(A_2\) and \(A_3\), as the expression is rather long.
\[\begin{gathered} \frac{\Delta \text{SP}}{\Delta t} = \frac{A_1 + A_2 + A_3}{[\ce{N2O}]} \\ \\ A_1 = \text F_{\text{t,i}}(\text{SP}_{\text{t,i}} - \eta\: \text{SP}_\text{diff.} - \text{SP}) + \text F_{\text{b,i}}(\text{SP}_{\text{b,i}} - \eta\: \text{SP}_\text{diff.} - \text{SP}) \\ A_2 = \ce{N2O}_{\text{nit.}}(\text{SP}_\text{nit.} - \text{SP}) + \ce{N2O}_{\text{den.}}(\text{SP}_\text{den.} - \text{SP}) \\ A_3 = - \eta\: \text{SP}_\text{diff.} \text F_{\text{out}} - \eta\text{SP}_\text{red.} \ce{N2O}_{\text{red.}} \end{gathered} \tag{4.2}\] Similar to \(\text{SP}\), the change in \(\delta^{18}\text O\) over time in each time point and depth increment can be described as:
\[\begin{gathered} \frac{\Delta\:\delta^{18}\text{O}}{\Delta t} = \frac{B_1 + B_2 + B_3}{[\ce{N2O}]} \\ \\ B_1 = \text F_{\text{t,i}}(\delta^{18}\text{O}_{\text{t,i}} - \eta\: ^{18}\text{O}_\text{diff.} - \delta^{18}\text{O}) + \text F_{\text{b,i}}(\delta^{18}\text{O}_{\text{b,i}} - \eta\: ^{18}\text{O}_\text{diff.} - \delta^{18}\text{O}) \\ B_2 = \ce{N2O}_{\text{nit.}}(\delta^{18}\text{O}_\text{nit.} - \delta^{18}\text{O}) + \ce{N2O}_{\text{den.}}(\delta^{18}\text{O}_\text{den.} - \delta^{18}\text{O}) \\ B_3 = - \eta\: ^{18}\text{O}_\text{diff.} \text F_{\text{out}} - \eta\ce{^{18}O_\text{red.}} \ce{N2O}_{\text{red.}} \end{gathered} \tag{4.3}\]
4.2 How to run the process rate estimator in R
To run the process rate estimator in R, you’ll first have to install the package PRE
as described in the introduction. Once installed, add the package to the search path.
Prepare the data
In a first step, we can calculate the N2O-N from the original measurements.
<- getN2ON(data = PRE::measurements, parameters = PRE::getParameters()) data
Next, the data are interpolated. This process uses kernel regression to interpolate between the measured values of N2O-N, SP and d18O.
<- getMissing(data = data, hyperparameters = PRE::hyperparameters) data
With all of these steps done, we can calculate the Fluxes according to equations 1, 2, 3.
<- calculateFluxes(data = data, parameters = PRE::getParameters()) data
Now, everything is ready to run the PRE.
Running the process rate estimator
# run the solver once
<- PRE(data = data, column = 1, depth = 7.5, date = "2016-01-01", n = 1000)
# print out information
# plot
# pairs panel
Run the process rate estimator over the entire time span.
= longPRE(data, column = 1, depth = 7.5, n = 15) x
Run the estimation of process rates for the entire project, i.e. applying the longPRE
function to all combinations of depths and columns. For very robust results, n = 1000
is used in the corresponding R script.
Rscript scripts/run-process-rate-estimator/run-PRE.R
The results will be written as estimated-process-rates.csv
into the output